
Modern day tank snow camo
Modern day tank snow camo

modern day tank snow camo

Following the dissolution of the USSR (Soviet Union) in 1991, Russia elected its first president and embarked on a vast number of reforms including privatization, market & trade liberalization aimed to make the former Socialist state a more progressive nation. The Russian Federation (Российская Федерация), or simply Russia, is the largest country in the world in terms of landmass, incoporating forty percent of the land in Europe and most of northern Asia. 7 Commercial or Unofficial Snow/Arctic Camouflage.6 Commercial or Unofficial Camouflage Patterns.4 Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) Camouflage Patterns.3 Russian Armed Forces (VSR) Camouflage Patterns.2 Soviet Camouflage Patterns used by Russia.

Modern day tank snow camo